We all know that children have a tendency to be a little gross, especially when it comes to bodily functions.


They'll pick their nose, make fart jokes and have a great time doing so!


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Well, one kid's note to his teacher has been gaining viral status for gross reasons, and it is AMAZING. 


During a spelling test, a little cutie got a runny nose, and it ran on his page.


Image result for snot nosed kid


Rather than leaving it for his unsuspecting teacher, the kid circled it with his pencil, and left a very polite note.


A colleague of mine got this.


"Do not touch, is snot, it fell from my nose" wrote the youngster! 


How incredibly considerate?


Image result for shia labeouf clapping gif


The photo of the spelling test was posted on Imgur, where is has been viewed 456,000 times in just four days! 


We heart this kid! 


SHARE if this gave you a giggle! 

