Enedina Vance has shared a photo of her six-month-old daughter, after she pierced the baby’s dimple on her cheek.


Yes, the mum had her daughter’s cheek pierced with a beautiful little silver jewel...


Or, did she?



The photo has sparked outrage online with many mums believing what she has done to her daughter is complete abuse.


Enedina’s post stated:


“She'll thank me when she's older lol. If she decides she doesn't like it, she can just take it out, no big deal.”


“I'm the parent, she is MY CHILD, I will do whatever I want!! I make all of her decisions until she's 18, I made her, I own her!!”



“I don't need anyone's permission, I think it's better, cuter, and I prefer her to have her dimple pierced. It’s NOT abuse!! If it was, it would be illegal, but it's not. People pierce their babies every day, this is no different.”


“Don't judge my parenting, we all raise our kids differently, it's none of your business anyway!!”



Despite her post about not wanting her parenting judged, Enedina came in for a lot of criticism.


However, what some people may have missed, is the tell-tale sign that the post is not all that it seems.


Using the hashtag ‘sarcasm’, Enedina confirms that the post is a fake, and she never pierced her daughter’s cheek at all.


In fact, the mum is an activist against piercings and genital cutting in children.


Knowing that people would be outraged at her daughter’s latest accessory, Enedina’s aim was to show how ear-piercings and circumcision is the same thing as piercing her daughter’s cheek.



The mum stated: “My post was meant to shock parents into seeing their children as human beings and to respect them as such.”


“Altering a child's body simply for aesthetic reasons is wrong.”


What are your thoughts on this, do you think Enedina makes a good point? Or do you think parents should be free to pierce their babies if they want?


