If the idea of trying to get through your day without a hit or two of caffeine fills you with dread, and the constant advice to cut back enrages you, then this might be right up your street!

Instead of gritting your teeth when a colleague or family member suggests you step away from the coffee jar, simply remind them that your daily java isn't too bad after all.

Here are just five reasons why indulging your love of caffeine isn't a sign of weakness, but an indicator you know what's up!

1. Lowers risk of Type 2 diabetes

Did you know that studies have shown that coffee drinkers have a significantly lower chance of developing Type 2 diabetes?

According to research, each daily cup is associated with reducing the risk of developing the disease by a whopping 7%!

2. Fights depression

According to a study conducted by Harvard University, women who indulged their caffeine habit and drank more than four cups a day reduced their risk of becoming depressed by a staggering 20%.

It is believed that the drink's uplifting effect may be as a result of the antioxidants found within the much-loved beverage.

3. Contains essential nutrients

While you may not realise it, your daily coffee is nourishing your bod more than the naysayers might think!

Your morning pick-me-up is chock-fill of vitamins and minerals including Riboflavin, Pantothentic Acid, Manganese, Potassium, Magnesium and Niacin.

4. Improves energy levels

If you're an exercise junkie, you're probably well aware that a hit of caffeine can do wonders for your athletic performance.

By increasing adrenaline levels in the blood, coffee prepares your body for physical activity.

5. Protects against neurodegenerative disease

According to a number of studies, those who regularly drink coffee have a 65% lower chance of developing Alzheimer's disease.

In fact, research has shown that caffeine can delay the onset of the disease even among individuals who have already displayed symptoms of dementia.



