The arrival of a baby can be very overwhelming for a new parent, with changes to their bodies and their lives taking place instantly. And while the common image portrayed is one of instant bonding with your baby, what happens when it doesn’t quite work out that way?


Experts in the UK are this week urging new mothers to seek professional advice and support if they are struggling to form an attachment with their babies.


This follows the release of new research statistics, showing that almost a third of new mothers in Britain have experienced difficulties bonding with their baby.


The research, which was carried out by Survation for the National Childbirth Trust (NCT), examined data from 1,515 new parents.


The feedback showed that while 32% of new mothers found it difficult to bond with their newborns, 12% were too embarrassed to seek professional help.


Elizabeth Duff of the NCT went on to send out an important message to anyone who is struggling but may be apprehensive about speaking with their doctor or health nurse.


“Parents who don’t feel an instant connection with their new baby often experience strong feelings of guilt, shame and inadequacy. We hope our research reassures new parents that they are not alone if they don’t instantly bond with their baby, and that this can often take time,” she said.


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