An Australian couple have been left stranded in Nepal after a court ban on commercial surrogacy means they can’t leave with their babies.


According to the Sydney Morning Herald, the couple have said that their twins, who were born six weeks early, have fallen ill since their supply of formula ran out.


"The longer this goes on, the bigger the risk becomes. It's a matter of time until something drastic happens. I would hate for someone to die", said the father of the twins.

It is against the law in Australia for prospective parents to pay for a surrogate, even for arrangements in other countries, but it was allowed in Nepal as long as the surrogate was not Nepalese.


However, the Supreme Court suspended commercial surrogacy in August of this year, and immigration officials have since refused exit visas for babies born via a surrogate, even if the process started long before the ban.


According to the newspaper, the Australian government will address Nepal's government about children already born in the country and those who are currently in gestation.


“We all want a solution that is humane and considers the best interests of the children, birth mothers and families," a spokesperson said. 


