
Snugglebundl Snugglebundl Snugglebundl Snugglebundl Snugglebundl Snugglebundl Snugglebundl
27 Buckingham Road
West Sussex
BN43 5UA


Snugglebundl  “The world’s first baby lifting wrap!”
The multi award winning Snugglebundl has cleverly attached soft, strong handles on the sides so you can very simply lift up or lower down your baby with a straight back, protecting your posture and also allowing you to easily transfer a baby from one place to another without waking them! This makes it amazing help for speeding up your post birth recovery.
The Snugglebundl  fits cleverly into car seats, so you no longer have to faff around with those awkward seat fixings. No more lugging out that bulky car seat, just simply lift your baby out on the Snugglebundl. It can be used in pushchairs, prams, supermarket trolley seats, cots and cribs and is ideal for discreet breastfeeding.
You can even use it for rocking them to sleep in!

