If you're a woman who happens to use public transport AND breastfeed in China, officials in the country have extended an invite for you to feed your baby behind a curtain on your daily commute.

With public breastfeeding still considered somewhat of a taboo in China, the powers that be have attempted to placate everyone by introducing specially-designed bus seats which allow a woman to nurse her child without 'offending' fellow commuters.

The seats, which can be found on buses in Pingxiang City in East China's Jiangxi Province, are aimed at women who fear public condemnation for feeding their child in view of the public while those who find themselves offended by the practice are 'protected' from the activity.

The seats which can currently be found on ten buses in the region have garnered mixed reviews, with some members of the public welcoming the move and others insisting the existence of the seats still manage to 'offend'.

Despite the backlash, the bus company insists they want to support nursing mothers and, if they garner enough support, they plan to install more seats in the future.

While their hearts may be in the right place, we don't know how we would feel if we were forced behind a curtain in public.


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