Dry eye can be caused by a number of different factors including:
Age: this is the most common reason for dry eye syndrome. As we age, our bodies naturally produce fewer oils. This includes the oily outer layer of the tear film. This oily outer layer provides much of the lubrication for the eye and when production of this layer is reduced, dry eye syndrome can occur.
Medications: Dry eye can also be caused by medications such as; oral contraceptive pill, decongestants (such as antihistamines) and beta blockers (used in the control of blood pressure).
Contact lenses: The risk of dry eye is increased if you wear contact lenses which reduce the quantity of tears produced. You should consult with your optometrist, who will be able to prescribe lenses that are more moisturising for the eye.
Physical problems: Trauma to the glands which produce the tears may also result in dry eye. Blocked meibomian glands which produce the protective oily layer of the tear film also causes dry eye.
There are lots of other factors which can contribute to dry eye syndrome including working on a computer, vitamin A deficiency, arthritis, and Parkinson’s disease.
Click here to learn more about diagnosing dry eye syndrome.

