Following this year’s flu epidemic the NHS has decided to offer free flu jabs to children under the age of nine. Health officials made the decision following a horrifying flu outbreak that is said to be one of the worst flu epidemics in years.

Health officials confirmed the move: “The last season’s higher level of flu activity is an important reminder that flu can have a significant impact and is highly unpredictable. This year saw record flu vaccination levels, with nearly one and a half million more people getting the vaccination than last year.”


“We should strive to further improve vaccine uptake rates in all eligible cohorts next year,” they added.



The children's vaccine is administered as a nasal spray, making the experience less stressful for youths, who may be afraid of needles.


Up to 600,000 more youths are set to receive the vaccination, along with the two million children who received it since last September.


The vaccine will protect children from four strains of influenza and has very few side effects. The NHS explained that children may have a runny nose after vaccination for a handful of days.



Parents will be contacted by their GP or by their child’s school in regards to getting them vaccinated before next winter.

The NHS has reassured parents that the vaccine is safe, “The flu vaccine for children has a good safety record. In the UK, millions of children have been vaccinated safely and successfully.”

