Neat freaks get a lot of bad press, bless them. They’re compared to Monica from friends, or people think they make them behave like Elizabeth in Keeping Up Appearances so afraid are they spill the teeniest drop of tea, or else they’re called ‘the coaster police’.


But hear us out, there are heaps of reasons why being a neatfreak (or dating / being married to one) is actually pretty awesome.


1. Coasters are in fact, also awesome


Why do coaster-enthusiasts get such a hard time? Who wants rings of coffee or tea all over their lovely furniture? Not us, thank you! Besides, if there were no such thing as coasters, what on earth would we bring people back from our holidays?



2. Because they’re organised


‘A thing for everything and everything in its place’ is the neat freak’s mantra. And we can get on board with that, because it means no panicking at the last minute to try and find the car keys, or the knee-length slip you have to wear with your cream dress or everyone will see your bum.


3. They’re prepared for anything


And by anything, we mean people popping in unannounced. Or in fact, pooping in unannounced. Too often we’re scrabbling to get the bathroom into some sort of acceptable shape while our mother-in-law waits primly to use it. This is not an issue for the neat freak.



4. They’re feng-shui-ed to within an inch of their lives


When neat freaks say a clean home equals a clear mind, we’re inclined to agree with them. There’s no feeling quite so Zen as when you sink into the sofa of a spotless living room after a monster clean. And conversely, being surrounded by clutter and mess definitely makes the mind feel much more stressed and frantic.


5. They’re super hygienic


As the cleaning products advertisements go, they kill 99.9% of germs, dead (although the bona fide neat freak will insist it’s actually 100) so you’ll never have to worry about accepting a cup of tea from them.



6. They know all the cutting-edge cleaning products


Lavender mist with orange oil window cleaner? Coconut and hemp toilet bleach? The solar-powered dust buster? The second a new product drops on the market, the clean freak is the first to know.


7. When they pop round they’ll start tidying your house


All of a sudden you’ll find that your bookcase is alphabetised, your oven is sparkling (“I never knew it was actually THAT colour!”) and you could eat your dinner off the bathroom floor. Not that you would, you just, you know, could.


Do you know any clean freaks? Or are you a clean freak yourself? If so, get in touch and we will furnish you with our addresses! No, all joking aside, we’d love to hear from you!


SHARE if you too think neat freaks are awesome!


