How often do you find yourself craving a salt-laden takeaway? How many times has your mouth watered for no apparent reason at the mere mention of red meat? Our cravings can tell us a lot about our bodies, and it’s important to know what these messages mean.


Here are some common food cravings we experience, and the messages they are trying to send us.


1. Chocolate

While the majority of us will never say no to a square of the delicious stuff, a strong craving for chocolate can often indicate a magnesium deficiency. If you can’t resist curbing the craving with some chocolate, opt for dark; alternatively, nuts, fish and leafy greens all carry a high magnesium content.


2. Cheese

As tasty as it is on any given day, having a particular craving for cheese could mean that your diet is lacking essential fatty acid. Get your levels back up to standard by eating foods that contain good quality fats; these include avocados, eggs and nuts.


3. Salt

When you are stressed, your adrenal glands release cortisol which can make you crave high-fat foods; thus, it follows that those late-night takeaway cravings could be down to too much stress.


4. Sweets

Craving sugar could indicate fluctuations in your blood sugar levels, resulting in spiked insulin levels. This is harmful, as it can put you at an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes, so be sure to keep your levels in check. When a craving kicks in, opt for a natural form of sugar such as fruit.


5. Red meat

A hankering for red meat could indicate an iron deficiency, and it’s no surprise to hear that these cravings can peak during your period. For those looking for an alternative source of iron; beans, legumes and many dried fruits are good options.


