Lazy Eye
Sometimes, strabismus (crossed eyes) can result in a lazy eye (amblyopia) and if left untreated it can also result in permanent loss of sight in the affected eye. Lazy eye or amblyopia is the loss or decrease in vision in an otherwise healthy eye. When one eye looks straight ahead and the other may look inwards, outwards, up, or down, in order to avoid double vision the brain ignores the signals from the eye with a squint and only ‘sees’ images from the normal eye. As the affected eye is not being used, over time the squinting eye will become lazy.
Central vision
If the lazy eye is not treated at an early age, your child’s central vision (equal sight in both eyes) may not develop properly. This can lead to a lack of depth perception and will ultimately affect daily activities, such as reading and writing, and it may prevent your child using a computer and driving (when they are older).
Learn more about strabismus and the symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatments.

