Let's face it, there are certain times of the year and definitely certain times of the month when we all tend to overeat.

If, however, you're determined to get on top of things and banish this bad habit for good, then it's time to take a step back and identify where exactly you're going wrong.

Whether it's boredom, lack of preparation or an inability to assess your own needs, overeating is something we all tend to do, but if you really want to stop it, it is possible!

When not put these top five tips into action, and marvel at the difference it makes to your eating habits.

1. Hungry or thirsty?

Scientists have long since told us that we mistake thirst for hunger on a daily basis, but that doesn't stop us forgetting every time we feel a rumble in our tummy!

If you feel like reaching for a snack or rustling up a ready meal, why not take ten minutes to fill up on a glass or two of water, and then reassess the situation.

You'll be surprised how many times you misread your body's need for water!

2. Banish distractions

If you tend to grab lunch while checking emails or folding laundry, you're not going to give your body the chance to appreciate what you're eating.

Dedicate time to your meal so you can concentrate on the task at hand, saviour your food and give your body a chance to actually absorb the nutrients you're providing it with.

If you're not paying attention to what you're eating, you'll quickly forget how many calories you assumed and find yourself reaching for a snack.

3. Assess your servings

When you're preparing food for an entire family, it can be difficult to perfectly balance serving sizes, but when you're simple preparing for yourself you need to keep on top of this.

Don't prepare more than you can eat at one sitting unless you're absolutely positive it will remain in the fridge until your next meal.

If you prepare more than single-serving meals for yourself, chances are you'll pick at the leftovers until the next meal time rolls around.

4. Make breakfast a priority

There's a reason they say breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so if you're determined to banish bad habits, you need to get on board with this.

By filling up on porridge or eggs upon waking, you will stay fuller for longer and be less likely to reach for a biscuit or two with your mid-morning coffee.

Give yourself a head-start on your mission by taking temptation out of the way with a nutritious breakfast.

5. Exercise

As well as helping you to trim down and tone up, regular exercise is incredible for helping to regulate your appetite!

Breaking a sweat on a regular basis makes you less inclined towards sugary or salty foods meaning that if you do end up snacking, you're more likely to opt for a healthier alternative.

Talk about hitting all bases with that one!



