We're sure a lot of dads (and mums!) can relate to this!


Purchasing your essential baby gear can be a task of EPIC proportions – bearing in mind cost, choice, special features and colour, what seemed at the start like a pretty innocuous task can soon become a bit of a nightmare as you worry about the perfect option for your precious cargo.


One dad knows this all too well, as he documented in a recent Facebook post that had us chuckling out loud. One thing is for certain, daddy blogger Brad Kearns (aka ‘DaDMuM’) says it like it is!


“So purchasing a pram with your wife isn't as easy a task as you would expect right?” he wrote wryly. “I mean... A pram realistically only needs wheels, a seat, maybe somewhere for nappies or a bag and a few bits and pieces to make the parent feel nice... Right??? Well I couldn't be further from the mark if I tried! It's not a pram you ignoramus... It's a statement!”


Bemoaning nostalgically his first car, a s***** Daewoo that smelled of “independence” and cost him the price of a bottle of rum, he compared his old non-dad life, to his new one.



“Apparently prams can retail for more than your first car...,” he added. “So here's me, standing in front of a mid-40's baby warehouse sales lady talking through the differences between Bugaboo and ICandy. It's always seemed like a bit of a rivalry but I thought “if she's not happy with the last 3 Bugaboo's then we need to look at a new brand”. Male logic.... Go figure... WRONG AGAIN!!!


“It's hard to take in the words when you honestly can't tell the difference and you're now thinking about your first car. And the freedom it offered. And you're comparing it to the pram. And parenthood. And the freedom you've now relinquished. Yep, it didn't smell like independence anymore... It smelled like s***, vomit and baby wipes. It oozed a sense of stable employment and no social life. It sounded like top 40 radio hits mixed with white noise to promote sleep. I had traded my sub-woofers and exhaust for a matching Mimco baby bag. I had traded the road trips and parties for wiggles concerts and play dates.”


In his own imitable fashion, he also poked fun at the rivalry of “pram groups”.



“Did you know women now have pram groups? Like a group you can be in in Facebook because you push the same pram as someone else. Like when guys have car groups and meets at maccas [McDonald’s]. Do you go on cruises too? Like just conga-line that s*** up at the local park? What if the‪#‎bugaboo crowd and the ‪#‎iCandy crowd were at the same park? Would there be a fight? Do you ram each other like knights on their noble steeds? I will never know.”


Are YOU part of a “pram group”? And do you ram each other like knights on their noble steeds?


We’re joking of course, but we think it’s always interesting to hear different perspectives on parenthood, especially views as honest and entertaining as DaDMuM’s.


SHARE if this gave you a laugh (and if you think your partner could definitely relate!)


