Let's face it, we've all done some pretty disgusting things as parents. And when it comes to toddlers , there's no where they won't try and make a mess- even stuff things up their own nose.
But this video, of a dad removing a piece of macaroni from his toddler's nose really takes it to a whole new level.
Mum Katie Dorman Aultman posted a video of her husband Josh, in a hilarious macaroni-removal.
Firstly, he places his mouth over his sons, blowing in a CPR fashion.
The macaroni shoots out, with some gross friends. He immediately cringes away in disgust, while little Jayce laughs.
"It's not funny," he shouts. "I got buggers in my mouth!"
How lovely.
Luckily of us, other parents have shared their own cringe-worthy tales of toddler exploration.
What do think? Have you ever done anything that icky for your kiddie?