We all know our children have a habit of embarrassing us at the best of times, but it's always nice to be reminded we're not alone when it comes to these hideously awkward moments.

One father, who decided to seek solace in the support of fellow Reddit users, chose to relate an incident which took place while visiting a men's restroom with his daughter.

Setting the scene for millions of internet users, bradfromearth wrote: "In a nasty public restroom, in a stall urinating and my 3-year-old daughter is behind me. Out of nowhere she says 'I didn't lick anything, daddy'. Oh Jesus!"

Eager to remind this poor unfortunate father he isn't the only one to endure such incidents, one Reddit user named SadlyEndearing admitted: "One time while I had my little boy in the stall with me he ducked his head under to the other stall and shouted "You goin peepee?" to the lady on the potty."

Another empathetic user opened up about his own daughter's experience of men's bathrooms, writing: "My now 5-year-old daughter knows my rules for the men's room: No talking to anyone. No touching anything, And follow close to daddy. A few years ago she touched a urinal cake. The rules went into effect afterwards."

Agreeing that children certainly require a little lesson in etiquette when it comes to bathroom activities, one bemused mum told Reddit users: "My daughter walked in the bathroom and saw her dad peeing. She pointed and said, "Is that your whoopsie, dada?""

We shouldn't laugh, but we can't help it!

