Ladies and gentlemen, introducing, in the left-hand corner, The Notorious JNR.


Conor McGregor Jr was born in the Coombe Maternity Hospital on Friday, May 6, weighing 8lb 14oz to McGregor and longtime girlfriend Dee Devlin.


Devlin thanked her fans for the many messages of support and well-wishes they received ahead of the birth.


She took to Facebook to post a beautiful post-birth picture saying, "Welcome to this world my beautiful baby boy little Conor Jr. We will love you with all our heart! Mum and bub are healthy, thank you for all the beautiful messages. They mean a lot!"


The new arrival, who has his own Instagram account, set up by Dee and Conor, has racked up 52k followers. 


Dee has posted on Instagram today, for the first time since giving birth - and it is so cute. 



A post shared by Dee Devlin (@deedevlin1) on


The picture shows an adorable photo of her young son, captioned with a simple heart emoji. 


The image was posted earlier today, and has already been like more than 15,000 times.  


The couple has been together for eight years. McGregor frequently praises long-term partner for supporting him throughout his career which had a rocky start.


Ahead of his July 2015 victory over Chad Mendez that saw him named interim UFC Featherweight Champion champion, McGregor opened up about the importance of having Devlin in his life - and his career. He told MMAFighting:


"My girlfriend has been there since the start. She has helped me throughout this career. If it wasn't for her, I probably wouldn't be where I am today."




