All paediatric patients that are suffering from congenital ptosis will require a thorough examination. The doctor will request a full medical, family background and a full history of drug or allergic reactions. The doctor will need to establish if there are any other contributing factors to the appearance of ptosis.
Visual acuity
The doctor or ophthalmologist will check visual acuity by ensuring that your child can follow an object with each eye individually. The infant will also be checked for the presence of strabismus or amblyopia.
Depending on the severity of the ptosis, your ophthalmologist will recommend your child be monitored every three months for the appearance of amblyopia. The posture of the head will also be examined as if the patient develops a chin up posture surgery may be recommended. Your child should also be checked for astigmatism due to the pressure of the drooping lid.
Learn more about treatment for ptosis

