The fight against puclic breastfeeding apparently continues. 
The extremely conservative Dr. Patrick Johnson wants to ban all nudity in the state of Ohio, including public breastfeeding, because of course this naturally leads to a bit of boob being visible.
Dr Johnson, director of the anti-abortion group Personhood Ohio, called for the ban after topless women protested outside his church. Not breastfeeding women, just topless women.
The women are workers in a local strip club, and decided to protest after being harassed by the church for the last nine years. 
The doctor also wants to ban boobs because he thinks they are responsible for the public support for gay pride.  
“The gay pride parade in Columbus is 500,000 strong – why?” He wrote on his Facebook page. “Because the women go topless.”
Boobs seem to be the source of all evil in the doctor’s mind.
“I am sick that women can legally bare their breasts to children and to married men against their will in Ohio,” he said.
Let’s just hope that the liberalism in Ohio that the doctor finds so abhorrent means that no such legislation will be brought in.

