There is no other way to describe becoming a new mum other than overwhelming.


And leaving the hospital can be one of the most overwhelming times - saying goodbye to the safety and security of the hospital can leave mums feeling very vulnerable.


Sadly, considering many of us are too tired to even string a proper sentence together, we miss the opportunity to ask the midwives and doctors some very important questions.



So to help you prepare for the big day, we have compiled a list of eight questions to ask before you head home - they will definitely put your mind at ease, even just a little. 


1. Who you should contact in case of emergency?

Whether it's the maternity hospital or your GP, you need to know what to do if something happens to either you or your infant. Having a number handy will definitely put your mind to at ease.


2. How to keep the umbilical cord clean 

While it might seem like a silly question, the stump can become easily infected. 



3. How often and how much you should be feeding your infant (whether breast or bottle) 

Every baby is different so don't rely on what others say - always ask your doctor. 


4. If you are bottle-feeding, ask how to safely prepare formula

Your little one can become sick - vomiting and diarrhoea - if not prepared properly. 


5. How you can be sure your infant is sleeping safely

There are too many heartbreaking stories of infants passing away in the night for you to ignore this question. Make sure you know how much bedding to use, whether the location of your cot is safe or not and whether you should swaddle or not.  



6. How to care for your stitches (if you have them)

The last thing you need is to get an infection so make sure you know exactly how to care for any stitches that you may have.


7. What to expect in your baby's nappy and the number of wet ones they should have

Yes, it may sound a little gross, but, trust us, the colour of your baby's poo can be the first sign that something is wrong - always know what to be on the look out for.  


8. How to correctly hold baby

If you have never been around children before it can be a little unnerving holding this tiny person. To put your mind at ease, ask the midwife or doctor the correct way to carry them, especially how to protect their head and neck. 


