Most of us love when the temperature heats up and the sun comes out to play, but while we all know to protect our skin from the effects of UV rays, what about our hair?


If you are heading away for the summer or plan on soaking up the sun at home, take note of these five tips:


1. Avoid too many products

The sun really dries your hair out so try to keep colouring to a minimum. If you need to get your hair done, the best time is about a month before the temperature rises.


2. Use plenty of conditioner

Make sure you use plenty of conditioner when washing your hair and use a leave-in one before you get into the pool or head to the beach.



3. Shampoo less

Avoid shampooing every day as it can be quite harsh on your hair. If you need to make sure you choose a mild, natural product and don’t rinse and repeat.


4. Keep styling tools to a minimum

Allow your hair to dry naturally as often as possible and only use the straightener and hair dryer every now and then.


5. Cover it from the sun

Wear a hat or scarf when out and about and, just as you would with your skin, keep it away from direct sunlight, particularly during peak hours: 11am – 3pm. 

