Many of us have swung our kids around the garden by their arms: the sheer delight on their face is too much to resist.


However, experts are now warning that the innocent activity can cause painful injuries in those under the age of four.


In fact, kids aged one to four have loser ligaments and are at risk of developing 'pulled' or 'nursemaid’s' elbow if swung like this  - both of which occur when the ligaments in the elbow are torn, sometimes with little force.



Adam Pandit, Consultant Shoulder and Elbow Surgeon at Spire Thames Valley in Slough, told the Independent that while it is uncommon to occur just from arm swinging they are advising parents take care.


"You can’t wrap your children in cotton wool but you can take greater care when playing with them in a sort of ‘rough and tumble’ sort of way - be aware that all their joints are still forming so anything that puts extra pressure on them can have a detrimental effect" 



According to the Express, US therapists Bob Schrupp and Brad Heineck advise parents pick their kids up from under their arms and avoid swinging them around. 


SHARE if this will make you think about doing it again. 

