Watching a sex scene as a family – whether you’re the parent or the child – never gets easier, but spare a thought for the people in this ‘home video’.


These parents and their little girl had just enjoyed a day at the Safari Park when they got a rather unexpected ‘surprise’ at the end.


A baboon climbed onto their car along with, ahem, we’ll call her a friend, and the highly amused parents began to record the scene before them. Their little girl was equally fascinated – until she caught sight of a certain part of the animal's anatomy.


This mum and dad could only laugh, then shriek when the inevitable ‘love scene’ played out before their very eyes.


As the YouTube video title suggests, it seems very likely that this little girl has been ‘scarred for life’ by what she has seen, the poor mite!


Check out the video below, if you dare!




