Finding the right milk for your baby if youre bottle feeding

Breastmilk can usually be fed to newborns without having to worry about your little one’s digestion, taste, preference, or nutritional value. If you are not breastfeeding, you'll need to research what formula works for you and your little one. To make it easy, we've done some groundwork for you and created some information to help guide you.

The Right Formula for Your Baby

With so many choices, how can you decide what’s best for your baby?

Start by asking your doctor for advice. Ask about the range of formulas they serve to newborns at hospital nurseries—many hospitals give out free baby formula to new moms. This should be a great starting point.  

Whatever you choose, remember that all formulas manufactured in the US follow strict guidelines for nutrition and safety. Therefore, your baby will adjust to any of them—unless certain conditions demand a special dietary requirement.

What Is Baby Formula?

Almost all baby formulas are made from cow’s milk, following certain processes for modification to suit the baby's nutritional demands. Please note that baby formula and cow’s milk are not the same.

Why Do Babies Require Formula Instead of Cow's Milk?

You should not feed your baby cows milk before 1 year as it contains high levels of protein that cannot be digested. When creating formula, the cow's milk is modified to include vitamins and minerals to help with the baby’s growth. 

If your baby is under 12 months of age, stay away from giving your baby cow’s milk as a primary drink in any form or shape. This means that you should also rule out skim, powdered, sweetened, and evaporated milk too. Any other dairy alternatives such as rice, soy, almond, coconut, etc. are also a big no-no for babies under one year of age.

For most full-term and healthy babies, breast milk or baby formulas are the best options until they complete 12 months of age.

Once they reach 1 year old, children can be given cows milk.

Stage 1 and Stage 2 Formulas

Stage 1 formulas, also known as starter formulas, are for babies from zero to six months of age. Many parents stick to Stage 1 formulas until the age of 12 months, which is a safe option. It’s best to check with your baby’s paediatrician for guidance.

If you want to move to Stage 2 formulas, you can make the switch when they are six months old. Stage 2 formulas are also known as follow-up formulas.

Please note that there are Stage 3 formulas too for toddlers between two and three years. However, they do not require formulas, according to baby nutritionists, as long as they have a balanced diet of solid foods. But you can still check with your doctor to learn more about toddler formula to suit your needs.

Which Baby Formula Is Best?

There are very specific guidelines that formula producers must follow. Australian and American standards for baby formulas are pretty much the same, so you can trust products from these countries. The majority of formulas based on cow's milk adhere to the same quality, food, and nutritional requirements such as calcium that are safe for infants. There are different brands out there, some more expensive than others, which doesn’t necessarily indicate that one is better than another. Even if your hospital recommends a certain brand, it doesn’t mean that they are the best one out there.

You have to keep in mind that your baby’s only source of food will be this baby formula, so choose a brand that is accessible and affordable. Your best choice can be someone else’s least preferred option.

Let’s look at the different types of baby formulas other than cow’s milk formulas.

Baby formula with special additives

Some baby formulas have additional ingredients added to them to enhance the taste to make them more like breast milk. But this doesn’t imply those ingredients will have the same nutritional value as breast milk for your baby’s health.

Some common extra ingredients added to baby formula are given below with explanations of whether they’re likely to do your baby any extra good:

  • LCPs: These are vital for brain and nerve development according to doctors. But there’s no proof or evidence to support this fact, as the baby's ability to absorb LCPs is still questionable. Formulas with added LCPs are usually prescribed for formula-fed premature babies’ brain development.

  • Prebiotics and probiotics: These are helpful for formula-fed babies to grow healthy bacteria for better digestion. The bacteria is supposed to help your baby have softer poop and minimum diaper rash. It might also help eliminate the chance of gastroenteritis too.

  • Beta carotene: This is a source of antioxidants and vitamin A. Well, all baby formulas have vitamin A and antioxidants included in their current mix. Some formulas add beta carotene to ensure that your baby’s demands are being fulfilled.

Special Baby Formulas

For babies below the age of 12 months, cow’s milk-based baby formula is  widely recommended over other specialized formulas made from goat’s milk, soybeans, or low-lactose or lactose-free formula.

But babies who cannot digest cow’s milk-based formula are often given other formulas. It is strongly suggested to only use special baby formulas if it has been approved by your doctor.

Soy-based Baby Formula

Some babies also face problems with dairy-based products because of allergies or intolerances, commonly known as lactose intolerance. Another common reason for parents to opt for soy-based baby formulas is due to religious and cultural beliefs. Some families prefer a dairy-free diet for everyone, including infants.

Soy-based formula is a perfect alternative to cow’s milk-based formula. They have the same nutritional values. But that should not be a reason for you to switch formulas. Please talk to a doctor before you make that switch.

However, recently there was an issue regarding the effects of phytoestrogens found in soy-based formulas for infants. Therefore, if you have any concerns about this, check with your baby’s paediatrician. Soy formulas are considered safe for babies who cannot have cow’s milk-based formula. Having said that, they do not prevent or reduce the chances of your baby developing allergies.

Hydrolysed Baby Formula

The hydrolysed formula is made with the same ingredients as cow’s milk-based formula. But the milk proteins in the mix are broken down into smaller components that are easier for the baby to digest. It includes a partially hydrolysed formula, also known as hypoallergenic formula, and an extensively hydrolyzed formula.

If your baby’s doctor has specifically informed you about your baby being allergic to cow’s milk protein, then it is likely they will suggest extensively hydrolysed baby formula. This is usually when the baby is solely drinking formula and not being mix-fed with a combination of breastmilk and formula.

Pre-thickened Formula and Thickening Agents

Doctors only recommend thickening agents or pre-thickened formulas for babies if they face gastroesophageal reflux.

Pre-thickened formula is cow’s milk-based formula that is more concentrated than other formulas. The idea is to achieve a thicker consistency of formula than regular ones. In this case, you will also find thickening agents at stores that are to be mixed with standard baby formula. But this kind of formula is only prescribed by doctors for certain conditions. 



Always check with your baby’s paediatrician before you start bottle-feeding your baby with infant formula. Remember that every baby is different; don’t compare your baby’s feeding habits or growth to another child. Steer clear of low-iron formulas, as formulas are meant to be iron-fortified to prevent anaemia for the first year.

A very important reminder that should religiously be checked is the expiry date on every single bottle of formula. Don’t buy it if it’s expired. Any exposure to bacteria in the tins can be harmful to your baby’s health. When you buy formula, please check the instructions before mixing the powder with the water.

When making up bottles, the measurements must be 100% accurate. Choose a time when you are on your own so there will be no disturbances while you are making up the bottles.

No matter how you choose to feed your baby, know that you are doing everything you can for your little one.

