We're told that keeping a food diary is one of the simplest ways to track our diet, identify our problem areas and keep an eye on our eating patterns.

But if you think keeping a food diary is a little indulgent and a bit of a waste of time, think again ladies!

Here are five reasons why keeping a food diary is a sure-fire way to stay motivated and shed those pesky lbs.

1. It helps you identify the times of the day you’re likely to binge eat or engage in a little mindless snacking.

Soap o' clock is a particular danger zone!

2. It reminds us how quickly the calories build up when we think we’re having ‘just the one’.

You didn't stop at 'just the one', did you? Don't worry, neither did we.

3. It acts as a fantastic template for a diet plan if you’ve had a successful week.

Dropped 3 lbs? Have a quick flick through last week's entries and find out why!

4. It helps us stay on track.

No one wants to write ‘five muffins’ in the snack section of their diary, do they?

5. As well as identifying the foods you should stay away from, your food diary will also highlight the food items missing from your nutrition plan!

Not to self: Less low-fat ready meals, more protein-rich snacks.

Give it a go for at least a fortnight and marvel at the difference it makes on your weight loss goals!

