If you have found yourself feigning a headache in the bedroom more times than you like to think, have you ever considered that it might be down to your diet?


There are plenty of foods available that can affect your desire in a positive way, that you need to pop in the trolley on your next grocery shop.


1. Asparagus

While it doesn’t look very romantic, this green vegetable is packed with vitamin E which stimulates sex hormones and vitamin B6 and folate which boost arousal.


2. Chillies 

Containing the chemical capsaicin these can induce the release of endorphins which creates enhanced foreplay.



3. Chocolate

Chocolate helps the body produce serotonin which has a huge role to play in sexual arousal.



4. Oysters

Loaded with zinc, oysters are ideal for regulating women’s and men’s libido and sexual function.



5. Watermelon

Relaxing the blood vessels these work in the same way as Viagra and help to keep you alert.



6. Celery

Not typically thought of as a sexy food, celery contains phyto-androgens which increase a woman’s sexual desire.



Images via Pinterest


