Food is a life essential and just like how petrol works in a car, food is our fuel to keep us going. And while many teens, unfortunately, worry about how it affects their body and image, few actually think about how it affects their mind, and in turn their mood.
Here are six foods your young adult should be eating and two they need to avoid:
Leafy greens
Leafy greens are high in magnesium that helps us feel calmer and less stressed.
Fish, high in Omega-3 fatty acids, is essential to ensuring your adolescent’s brain performs well. The brain is made up mostly of fat and it helps to regulate your immune system and improve your teen’s memory.
Dark chocolate
Chocolate with at least 70% cocoa helps improve blood flow to the brain which instantly increases your mood and helps you concentrate. However, eating too much can make you feel the opposite, so a couple of pieces a day is plenty.
Eggs are rich in essential vitamins and minerals and not only do they provide the body with protein they also help you feel more full, energised and ready to take on the day.
Make sure your teenager is getting plenty of carbohydrates which are important for a healthy brain. Eating whole grains increases the absorption of tryptophan which is converted to serotonin and helps keep your teen feel more relaxed.
Bananas contain the essential mineral copper which is needed to help your teen feel more rested. Sleep is essential for a happy and healthy mind.
Foods to avoid:
If your teen is consuming high levels of sugar on a daily basis it can affect their long-term health, cause them experience a sugar rush and subsequent crash, and even lead to possible depression and sleep problems.
Artificial colours
While you might think it is just a young child who needs to avoid artificial colours, teenagers need to do the same. They can lead to headaches and anxiety which can affect mood badly.