If the prospect of facing into another week gave you a serious case of the blues last night, then you may benefit from some wise words which remind us that nothing is ever as bad as it seems.

With our social media newsfeeds clogged with snapshots of perfect families, gleaming houses and mouthwatering evening meals, it can be easy to think you're simply not delivering on the mummy front.

Eager to remind us that we do more than we realise, achieve more than we anticipate and triumph simply by getting up in the morning, blogger for Through the Side Door of One Mind's Eye has compiled a list of things for us to remember at the beginning of a wet and windy winter week.

And hey, there's no harm having a quick read of it every Sunday night to remind yourself that you and your family as just enough exactly as you are!

Things To Remember Today1. It is only the beginning of the week not the end of the world.2. The house is clean...

Posted by Through the Side Door of One Mind's Eye on Sunday, November 15, 2015

