Each day, your skin sheds thousands of dead skin cells so that new skin cells can emerge. Those dead skin cells can collect on the skin to clog pores which leaves skin dull and with an uneven surface. By exfoliating once or twice each week, you can help your skin remain fresh looking and smooth. Note that over-exfoliating can lead to dry skin, so until you know how your skin will react, exfoliate only once or twice per week with a gentle exfoliator.
Use these steps to get the best results:
  • Stimulate your skin’s circulation by first using a soft body brush with natural bristles, or a loofah to gently brush dry skin. Not only does brushing dry skin increase blood flow, it removes impurities sitting on top of the skin.
  • Select a scrub that works for yours skin. Sometimes it takes trial and error to find the right product. Start with a gently exfoliator that uses natural ingredients. If you have dry skin, use a product that contains oil or other moisturizers. If your skin is sensitive, select a product that is formulated especially for sensitive skin. You can also try some homemade exfoliates that are made with sugar, oatmeal and coffee grounds. If you try the homemade scrubs, experiment with adding essential oils in your favorite scent.
  • Once you have dry brushed your skin, you’ll also want to apply the scrub to dry skin as well. It’s best to stand in the shower or tub, apply the product and massage thoroughly, paying extra attention to problem areas such as elbows and feet. Then, turn on the shower and rinse the scrub off. Using a scrub on dry skin allows the product to adhere to the skin better.
  • After rinsing off all the scrub, use your normal cleanser to wash. Dry your skin gently and follow up with a good moisturizer. Any product used after exfoliating, works better because the dead cells and other impurities that are on the skin are now gone and the skin is better primed to accept the product.
  • Remember that exfoliating reveals new skin cells, so it is especially important to use a sunscreen if you are going to be in the sun.   

