No matter how much you may know that your child is safe and how much you may trust them, you won’t be able to stop worrying about them.
Unfortunately, worrying about your kids is a natural part of parenthood; however, sometimes it can lead to unnecessary stress on both you and your child and arguments that you could all do without.
Put things in perspective
The first step in battling your worry, is to try to put things into perspective. If you are concerned about your child failing an exam or not making friends at school, you need to back up and not visualise the what ifs. If your child is starting a new school, worrying about them not making friends won’t help them. Deal with that situation if and when it happens, otherwise you will just end up wasting your energy worrying about something that might never happen.
Do something
If you are worried about something that you feel is out of your control like them learning to drive or walking home alone, do something about it. Organise someone to collect them, reschedule so that you can do it and take them out for driving lessons yourself. Doing something about what is worrying you should help to relieve any concerns. 
Understand your concerns
Understanding where your fears are coming from will help you battle them. If you are afraid something will happen to your child think about how much danger they are actually in. If you are worried about them failing an exam try to figure out if this is based on personal experience or the fact that your child has done no study. Understanding where it is coming from will help you put it into perspective and do something about it.
Exercise is a great way to release any built up tension and thoughts floating around your mind. Not only will it provide an outlet to vent any pent up worries, it releases feel good endorphins that will make you feel better.
Talk it out
Talking about your concerns with your child, your partner or your friends will also help you to put things in perspective. They may also be able to settle any of your worries, especially if your friend has had the same concerns as you. 

