Swollen paws are a common problem for pooches.
Although the condition is not usually dangerous, depending on the cause of the problem, it can be very uncomfortable and even painful as your pet’s paws are very sensitive.
Here are a few steps to take in treating your dog if you notice that their paw is swollen and sore. 
1. Check for objects
Check the paw for objects caught between the pads/toes. Also check for insect stings or puncture wounds, although they are often hard to pinpoint. 
2. Bathe
If possible, remove trapped object with tweezers and wash the paw with warm, soapy water.
3. Check for constrictions 
If you can’t see anything trapped in the paw, check the dog’s leg to ensure no constricting material is present, which can easily cause swelling.
4. Soak in salts 
Soaking the paw in an Epsom salt solution is often of benefit, regardless of the cause. Ten minutes in comfortably hot water (in a tub or basin) with Epsom salts dissolved within is typically an excellent short-term solution for swelling
5. Call your vet
If you can see an obvious lesion, the swelling does not quickly disappear, or the dog continues to favour the paw, call your vet for further advice. 
Image via Pinterest.

