Yes, it’s the 21st century; yes, breastfeeding is still a ‘taboo’ issue in some circles. Don’t ask us to even attempt to explain why – it’s bananas!


Of course, thankfully, there are hordes of wonderful mums out there who are actively advocating for the ‘normalise breastfeeding’ campaign on a daily basis – and Taylor Tignor is leading the way for the creatives!


With Halloween just around the corner, Taylor decided get extra specially creative with her pumpkin carving – by making her pumpkin a breastfeeding mama!


Taylor posted a photo of her ‘pumpkin mum’ to the Breastfeeding Mama Talk Facebook page, complete with a pump and nursing baba!


“This is my ‘pump’kin. She is so happy to give her baby the perfect seed nutrients,” she joked.



“I’m very passionate about breastfeeding. Just wanted to inspire other mamas to be creative for Halloween.”


The post went down an absolute storm on Facebook, garnering thousands of likes, shares and comments.


It seems Taylor’s desire to inspire others worked exactly how she wanted it to – SO many mums have shared their own special carvings in the comment section!


“This was mine last year!” commented another, sharing a photo of her pumpkin ‘pumping’ seeds into bottles.


“Ended up exclusively pumping for 10-and-a-half months! And using donor milk for a little over a year.”



Another painted apples to look like breasts, attached them her pumpkin’s ‘chest’, and set her ‘baby’ pumpkin up to feed!


“This is seriously my life right now,” added another mum who could relate to the pumping life all too well.


“My baby girl is four days old and refusing my left boob. So I’m officially pumping it…And giving her my right.


“I’ve been going crazy all day. But, man, this here has me dying!!! I love it. It’s made me feel so much better. Thank you to whoever did this!”


We absolutely love this post – it is everything!

