When it comes to our toddlers, a lot of us mums are just trying to get through the day without breaking down in tears, and often, we can say things without thinking or forget the important things that we really should say.


While life is busy enough without making your brain remember even more, we promise that the following phrases will end up being a happy part of your day.


1. “I love you”

Easy to say, lovely to hear - remind your child every day that you love them. Squeeze them, cuddle them and shower them in kisses so that they will never forget.


2. “What would you like to do?”

Asking your little one what they would like to do will encourage independence and creativity. For you, it is a great way to try new things and see the world from your child’s point of view.


3.  “Please” and “thank you”

If you expect your little one to be both polite and mannerly, it is important you set a good example. When you ask your tot to do something always say please, and then thank you when they do.


4. “I am so proud of you”

Your toddler looks to you for approval so make sure they get it. Telling them you are proud of them will encourage your son or daughter to feel pride in work they’ve done.


5. “You make me smile”

Your child wants you to be happy and to know that they make you happy, so tell every day.


6. “Never give up”

When your little one struggles with something or they tell you they can’t do something, remind them to 'never give up'. Those three words will take them right through to adulthood.


7. “I believe in you”

Give your little one the strength to try new things and take risks by telling them that you believe in them.


8. “Yes”

A no comes out a lot easier but try, at least once a day. to say yes to your child.




