In Time

In Time.

You'll stop retracing every moment leading up to that last moment.. The hours, days and weeks.

In Time.

You'll stop creasing your brows in frustration and that ever ready flow of water from your eyes will dry.

In Time.

You'll stop feeling sudden bursts of anger at the whole world for just carrying on turning.

In Time.

That deep, sharp ache taking over your heart will ease, piece by piece.

In Time.

You will see in colour again. 

In Time.

Your mind will flood with all those wonderful memories and you'll all but feel the warmth from them embracing you.

In Time. 

There'll be times when you'll feel him near. Times when there'll be no other explanation and you'll shut your eyes and silently thank him. 

In Time. 

Your beautiful smile will meet your eyes again.

In Time. 

All in Time.

Until then, feel what you feel for as long as you need to feel it. 
Cry. Kick. Punch. Scream. 
Because no, It's not fair. 
And yes, It does hurt. 


In Time.

I promise you.

It will feel okay again.

You, will feel okay again

I'm 29, married and mummy to three little people who run rings around me. Katelyn is 9, Maddie is 5 and MJ is 4. I started blogging last August and have just fallen in love with writing. I use my blog to write about parenting usually with humour and about mental health! What makes me tick?? My never ending laundry!


