Pope's Meadow

Popes Meadow
St Mark's Rd,
Bracknell Forest
South East
RG42 4BA


Once part of the grounds of Pope’s Manor, this small 13.7 acres of established parkland located in Binfield is a valuable countryside resource for quiet informal recreation for the local community and provides a haven for wildlife.
The Meadow holds a prestigious Green Flag Award and is designated a Local Wildlife Site
Is intersected by Bracknell Forest Ramblers route, which enters off St Mark’s Road and waymarks guide walkers to an exit in the north-west corner.
There is a play area for toddlers, a sport and kick about area (available for junior clubs to hire), a permanent orienteering course, cycle parking and an interpretation board detailing site information and events. The Pope’s Meadow has a surfaced path providing good access from the car park to the pond, where a picnic bench is positioned to enhance enjoyment of the surroundings.
Pope’s Meadow is a haven for wildlife consisting of open wood pasture, pond and copse.
The pasture area is managed as a traditional hay meadow and is home to wildflowers, insects and small mammals. The large trees of the parkland (some of which are veteran) are mostly common or pedunculate oak, although there are also limes and conifers and a mixed hedge of native species. The pond is essential for supporting a variety of wildlife including, frogs, toads, damselflies and dragonflies.
The copse mainly consists of holly, oak, hawthorn, and hazel which provides good shelter for birds such as chaffinch, blackbird, thrush and robin. Shade-loving plants such as wood sorrel and bluebells can be found in the understorey and decaying wood is host to a wide variety of fungi.
Other management measures to try and encourage wildlife include the installation of stag beetle loggeries, bird boxes and hibernation places for toads called hibernacula.
For further information please see the website.

