In 2018, it always remains a sad thing to see women passing judgement on other women for their life choices, but it still happens regardless. Motherhood is a particular topic that never fails to generate debate and discussion, and women can bear the brunt of backlash if, for example, they do or don't advocate breastfeeding. Or if they have reached a later life stage and have chosen not to have children. The list is endless; it's frequently a case of "you're damned if you do, and you're damned if you don't" and the societal pressure women are continually subjected to remains grossly unfair.


You are a mum; you will naturally have your own way of doing things and deserve to do so without mass judgment and criticism.  


The same is true of Kylie Jenner. Young mum, public figure and member of one of the most famous families in the world she may be, she deserves to embark on her own parenting journey without being scathed at every turn.  She made the wise decision to keep her pregnancy private, wanting to enjoy the special time with her baby away from the media glare - and plenty had something to say about it. Many praised her but, of course, so soon after the birth of her daughter Stormi and slow return to the spotlight, the trolls have already regrouped. 



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Following her posting on Instagram of photos sans baby, the 20-year-old has already been subjected to harsh comments for choosing to keep her daughter behind closed doors.


One person commented underneath her photo: "Take care of your baby...need to remember now you are a mom!!!!!"


Someone else questioned: "So where’s your baby?" 


"She looks like a 20-year old that had a baby. Cell Phone and no baby around," while one more added: "She just posting pics like she didn’t give birth...."



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Yes, you could say, these are just trolls and they are ridiculous. But is it even a little fair to be placing that judgment on a new mum - even in throwaway comments that should be ignored - because she decides not to fill her social feed with pictures with a cute baby? Add to the fact that Jenner is likely doing it to protect her newborn's privacy, it seems like there's no way for her to win.


Actress Emily Blunt once summed it up previously when she addressed societal pressures on women to become mothers - and the divisions it creates amongst them as a result, otherwise known as what she calls a "mommy cult."


"I think there is a huge societal pressure on women when it comes to motherhood, this sort of mummy cult that goes on," Blunt explained. "And I think it sort of makes women feel that they have to be a bit defensive about the choices that they make, whether they want to be a mother, whether they don't, whether they want to breastfeed, whether they don't. I could go on and on."


"In the domestic world, I think it's when women can be a bit cruel about each other, more so than any other environment," she added. 



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Her words ring true. In a world where it's hard enough for women to juggle everything,  what we need to see is less of the degrading, unfair comments targeted at a young woman doing her best and more vocal support amongst women who are going through the joys and challenges of motherhood, regardless of how they choose to go about this. 


