We all know just how tricky it is to install your little one’s car seat.


From the first one you buy when they’re only teeny tots to the seat that your nine-year-old moans about, they are a right pain in the bum to get in – something this dad knows about all too well!


Posting an ‘instructional’ video on YouTube, Jordan Watson shares the two types of dads that you may be familiar with when seeing men instal the seats: the guy who checks every single detail ensuring it is properly installed, and the guy who shoves it in the car in frustration, only to end up walking. 


Jordan, who brought us handy tips to get our toddlers to do housework, certainly brightened up his fans with his too-true to life, hilarious video, with one totally agreeing with the dad: "Always my least thing to do because of the hard to reach areas...The baby carseat [sic]", and others thanking him for brightening up their day.


"When I'm dreary eyed and moody from being up all night with a teething baby, these videos brighten my day so much."



SHARE this hilarious video. 


