What a fighter! 


The strength of kids NEVER ceases to amaze us. We hear so many inspiring stories of children born with health problems who manage to fight against the odds.


Jaxon Buell – nicknamed Jackson Strong by his army of Facebook supporters – is one such child. Born with half a skull due to a rare brain condition called Microhydranencephaly. Doctors told mum Brittany her son would not survive the pregnancy, but not only did he survive, he’s thriving, and has just celebrated his second birthday!



Brittany, dad Brandon and their family and friends joined the little cutie on his special sailor-themed day.


“Exactly 2 years ago today, at 1:31pm, Jaxon Emmett Buell was born at 4lbs and 15 inches long,” his parents wrote on his Facebook page JAXON STRONG.


“Today, Jaxon has grown to 13.5lbs and 25 inches long. Today, we celebrate Jaxon's 2nd birthday! Happy Birthday, big guy! We are so proud of you and all the progress you have made so far. We hope and pray that you are still just getting started and will continue to be an inspiration to many people because of your strength and determination.”



According to Brittany and dad Brandon, Jaxon has “continuously shown how strong and smart he is by accomplishing milestones and making progress that doctors originally thought would not be possible”.


Inspired by their son, Brittany and Brandon wrote a book about their experiences called Don’t Blink. They also set up a foundation called the Jaxon Strong Foundation, which seeks to further research into rare brain conditions like Jaxon’s.



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