While giving birth is undoubtedly a wondrous experience, it is also painful, exhausting and not something the vast majority of us would like to see splashed across the internet.

From the indelicate sounds we emit to the inescapable grimaces we make, delivering our child is an experience we would like to keep private and generally only choose to share the time with our nearest and dearest.

However, one mother, who wasn't afforded that luxury recently, has become quite the talking point this week after her husband chose to upload a selfie which shows his partner giving birth in the background.

Tongue firmly in cheek, the new dad wrote: "My wife wanted to make sure that someone took a picture of the expression on our faces when our daughter was born today. So I took one."

Having been picked up by various websites and social media pages, the dad in question was forced to defend his actions and insisted that his wife found his effort to capture the special moment as funny as he did.

Taking to Reddit to explain his initial upload, gilsoloano12 wrote: "I actually took this pic to send to her brothers who kept asking how it was going. I showed it to her in between pushes and she cracked up."

According to the proud new father, his wife is doing very well despite the unexpected publicity and happily posed for separate shots after finally meeting her little one.


Placating internet users who questioned the father's decision to share the image, he wrote: "Now I'm reading her all of you guys comments while she feeds our healthy 7lb 6 oz girl. P.S. Her mom took pics of our reactions 10 mins later. " (sic)

How would you have felt?!



