Why must it be an endless stream of rain during the summer holidays?


It comes in all forms, drizzle, pouring hard, chucking it down, raining cats and dogs, warm and wet and basically it is NON STOP?


And in this country, it is always coupled with gale force wind making umbrellas impossible to hold up, and yet because it's August, it's too warm for rain coats with hoods.


It makes mothering that bit more difficult than usual. 


So, today we ventured out to meet a friend in which we got drenched, soaked and generally soggy right through!  Not helped by 3-year-old falling into a puddle!  Right in, properly, face first!  Thanks to his waterproof coat his top half mainly stayed dry, but his jeans and shoes were soaked.  He then proceeded to 'squeak' round town (wet shoes!)


We finally gave up and headed back home so it has been yet another afternoon of kids DVDs.


Just as I think everything is calm, my 3-year-old starts coughing, whilst rolling around on the floor, laughing and eating at the same time, causing him to vomit all over the coffee table and my unsuspecting flip-flops!  (Thankfully, because it's chucking it down today, I wasn't wearing them at the time!)


He's fine of course, and naturally, thinks the whole thing is hysterical! 


Next, for bvious reasons, I had to put the 3-year-old in the shower. Mere seconds into his wash, I see he has put the shower head on top of his toy plastic tea pot so the water constantly runs out of the spout.  The funny fellow then kneels down with his cute little bottom in the air and his head on the shower floor.


When I ask what he is doing, he simply replies: 'I'm washing my own hair Mummy!'


Have a good evening everyone!



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