We all like to boast about our little ones and their amazing achievements, and when one US mum saw what her 19-month-old son was capable of, she felt that she just had to share it with the world.


LaToya Whiteside’s son Carter has become an internet sensation this weekend, after footage of him showing off his impressive vocabulary went viral.


In the footage, tiny little Carter is seen going through a pile of cards and reading each written word aloud. According to his mother, the 19-month-old has learned to master a staggering 300 words and can also count up to 50!


“My 19-month-old son can read. He knows his ABCs (phonetically and recognises the letters when written)…He reads signs everywhere we go, so I’m sure he knows more than even I am aware,” explained LaToya.


She added that Carter began recognising words when he was just seven months old and was already sounding out words she had never shown him by 12 months.


Check out the incredible footage below.




