Mummy brain is a thing, and do not even for a millisecond pretend it's never happened to you. 


It happens. 


It's a never-ending source of embarrassment for mums, and we never, never, know how to explain our actions. 


Lauren Lodder of Mommy Owl knows this. In fact this week she probably knows it all too well. 



Heading to her local cafe with her daughters, they decided to take the car. 


It was raining and her daughter didn't want her new 'rain boots' to get wet!


Arriving at the cafe, the girls pick up two blueberry muffins while Mum ordered a coffee. 


But as is the case with our little ones, once they're finished with an adventure, they're finished; so naturally with just a mere 15-minutes gone by the girls were ready to go home. 


Grabbing their umbrellas' the three musketeers heading home, one foot in front of the other.



"'It’s Raining, It’s Pouring,' the girls sang to the amusement of the few pedestrians who passed by." 


"When we got home, the three of us were so exhausted, we all went to bed without baths, and I’m pretty sure no one bothered to change," added Lauren.


But it was the events of the next morning that had Mum in a flurry of panic. 


Her daughter sprinted into her parents' bedroom, wanting to know where the car was because she needed to get her purse. 


It was then that Lauren found out her car was no longer residing in the garage, her husband confirming he did not move the car.



Within an hour, the mum-of-two's local police department was on the case as mum described her car in detail and the authorities vowed to recover her stolen vehicle. 


And they did just that - when they found mum's car lingering in the car park of a local cafe that mum and her two tot's happened to frequent the previous day! 


"So here is what I learned the day my car was NOT STOLEN. Don’t jump to conclusions. Get more sleep," concluded Mum. 


And there you have it folks, mummy brain in a nutshell! In Lauren's defence though - it really has been a long summer!


Has something similar ever happened to you?

