Becoming the mother of a newborn, whether it's for the first, fourth or fifteenth time, is both physically and emotionally draining, and not something any of us sail through effortlessly.

This period of motherhood, while taxing at the best of times, is made all the more difficult if you suffer from postnatal depression - a condition which is garnering significant publicity at the moment as more and more high-profile mothers reveal their struggle with it.

During the roughest periods of motherhood, there is little more uplifting than a kind word, comforting gesture or thoughtful suggestion from a friend, family member or concerned stranger.

Highlighting the impact these efforts can have on a new mum, one woman shared her own experience in a bid to remind the public how far a simple gesture can go.

Reflecting on her experience at a mother and baby residential care unit, the mum told Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Australia: "On one of my days there I took a walk to a nearby cafe and had an encounter that made me see a bit of blue sky through all the clouds. It reminded me that sometimes the smallest kindness can make a difference."

Sharing a letter, which was originally intended for the owner of a coffee shop, this mum revealed how a simple act of kindness did much to lift her spirits, saying: "I wrote this letter to the cafe owner but never had a chance to give it to him."

"I wanted to post it on their Facebook page, or share it on social media so others could think about how they might be interacting with people with depression on any given day, but I wanted to remain anonymous."

Having left the care unit, the new mum sought a little comfort in a nearby cafe only to discover the establishment was closed - something which was quickly rectified by the concerned cafe owner.

Sharing an insight into the event which had such a significant impact on her wellbeing, she wrote: "Dear Cafe Owner,  You must have thought I was a bit strange when I stood outside your cafe trying to open the door when you had clearly just closed."

"You might not remember me," she continued in a letter which has been liked thousands of time online. "I had a baby in a pram and a hospital wrist band on."

Expressing her gratitude, she continued: "I wanted to thank you for inviting me in out of the heat and kindly making me a coffee even though you probably wanted to go home."

Admitting she was a little reluctant to chat, she explained: "When you asked if I'd walked over from the hospital, I was too embarrassed to tell you I've got postnatal depression and my baby doesn't sleep and I'm just exhausted. Walking to a cafe for a break was what I needed as much as the coffee."

Explaining the impact the proprietor's gesture had on the her, she finished by asserting: "Your kindness made a difference to my day and reminded me of the saying 'Be kind to everyone you meet because you don't know battles they are fighting'."

The woman's letter has sparked much discussion among women who shared similar stories and insisted that the smallest of kind gestures lifted their spirits during the darkest periods of their depression.

Can you relate to this mum's words?



