Nappy rash is a pretty common occurrence in newborns and even in older babies.


It can be uncomfortable and sore for your little one, but thankfully, there are a few things you can do to help them.


Why does it happen?

There are a number of reasons your baby might have a nappy rash and no matter how careful you are, your baby will experience it at least once in their life; leaving a wet nappy on too long, rubbing off one that’s too small, reaction to the materials in the nappy, your baby is suffering from diarrhoea or they are or you are taking antibiotics are just a number of the reasons your little one has a sore bum.


What is it?

A nappy rash can have a waxy appearance and be very red in some babies, depending on the severity. For some, it can look almost pimply and be quite dry or smooth and moist.


What happens if you don’t treat it?

A small rash can go away on its own without treatment, but it is possible for it to develop into something more serious like a yeast or bacterial infection.


How to treat it

Thankfully, there are a number of things you can do to help your little one feel better and treat the affected area.


  1. Allow them enjoy nappy-free time to let the air at their bum.
  2. Change your baby frequently so that they are only in their wet or dirty nappy for a very short time.
  3. Make sure the nappy fits properly and go a size up if you think your little one would feel a lot comfier.
  4. Avoid rubbing the sore area when cleaning them, pat it instead.
  5. Avoid fragrant wipes, instead go for mild ones or use cotton wool and lotion.
  6. Make sure the area is completely clean and dry before putting a nappy back on.
  7. Use a protective cream or petroleum to create barrier between the nappy and your baby’s bottom.
  8. Make sure you wash your hands after each nappy change.


You should take them to the doctor if it is not clearing up or looks like it is getting worse.

