Going through labour and welcoming a new baby into your life can be a real shock to the system, to say the least!

As well as being unbelievably rewarding, navigating motherhood can be stressful and exhausting so it’s vital you take care of yourself at this important time.

By schooling yourself and stocking up on the food your body requires at this stage of the process, you will be better equipped to deal with the wonderful world of motherhood and all it throws at you!

Take a look at our top five picks and make sure to add them to your next shopping list.

1. Salmon

This tasty fish which can be prepared and consumed in a number of ways is chock-full of a particular fat called DHA.

Studies have shown that DHA has a positive effect on your mood which can play a very important role in postnatal depression prevention.

2. Brown rice

As a new mum, you may be intent on cutting out carbs in order to shed those baby lbs, but it’s important not to avoid them entirely.

By stocking up on brown rice, you will feel fuller for longer and provide your body with the energy stores it needs to keep up with your baby’s requirements!

3. Water

Breastfeeding mums are at risk of dehydration which is the last thing you need when you have a little person to take care of

By switching your daily coffees for glasses of water, you will soon be able to keep your energy levels and milk production up without relying on caffeine.

4. Lean beef

New mums need all the energy they can get so it’s vital to stock up on iron-rich foods like lean beef.

Including lean beef which is high in protein and B-12 in your diet is an excellent idea for nursing mums.

5.  Oranges

If, like most new mums, you find your energy levels dipping or depleting during the day, grab an orange and tuck in.

This energy-boosting fruit is an excellent source of vitamin C which is also important for breastfeeding mums who need more vitamin C than pregnant women.



