Being a mum is time-consuming, whether you work outside of the home or not.


And considering many of us barely have a few spare minutes to even shower, the mere mention of squeezing a trip to the gym in during the day is actually laughable.


However, with the help of your smartphone and some pretty handy apps you can achieve your fitness goals without having to re-do your entire schedule. 


1. Couch to 5K

Want to start running? Well, you NEED to download this app. It’s just an eight week programme and is perfect for those who are a little wary about pounding the pavements.


Google PlayiTunes 



2. Fitnet

No time? No worries. This app sets five to seven minute workouts and even measures how close you follow the moves on screen. Perfect for either early in the morning before you start the day or even at lunch.




3. Daily Yoga

If you’re not into high intensity workouts, Daily Yoga is for you. The app allows you to access 50 classes with each one targeting a specific area: core strengthening for example.


Google PlayiTunes



4. Freeletics

With this app you can choose where you want to workout and for how long. With over 900 bodyweight workouts lasting anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes, you’ll be reaching your fitness target in no time.


Google PlayiTunes


5. Daily Ab Workout

This app allows you to concentrate on your core without having to leave the gym. It helps you to tone and strengthen and acts just like a personal fitness trainer.


Google Play; iTunes


6. Nike and the Training Club

This app allows you to choose drills and audio guides from a professional Nike trainer or athletes like Serena Williams. Not only will it get your heart pumping it also allows you to track your progress and unlock reward content.


Google PlayiTunes



7. 7 Minute Workout

Basically, all you have to do is spend seven minutes doing as many jumping jacks, lunges or planks as you can. It gives you 30 seconds to fit in as many reps of whatever it is you are doing as possible with a 10 second rest between sets. It even tells you when to start and stop and allows you to track your workouts.


Google Play; iTunes


8. Sworkit

This one is perfect for those who have more time in one day compared to other days. Simply choose your activity and the amount of time you can dedicate to it and start working out.


Google PlayiTunes

