As of next week, babies will be given the new meningitis B vaccine at two, four, 12 and 13 months, and doctors are warning parents to be prepared for the subsequent fever from the injection.


This is the first national, publicly-funded vaccination programme against the deadly disease, which kills around 10% of those who develop it and leaves many others with disabilities.


Studies have shown that the new vaccine will help to protect against 90% of the strains of meningitis, with the potential to save around 4,000 children from being infected.


While anyone can be affected by it, it is more common in babies and young children, and the new jab, called Bexsero, will cause children to develop a fever. While experts are saying this is a sign that the injection is working, they are urging parents to stock up on paracetamol to help reduce the chances of a high temperature and discomfort.


“It's important that parents use paracetamol following vaccination to reduce the risk of fever. The fever peaks around six hours after vaccination but is nearly always mild and gone within two days,” explained Dr Mary Ramsay, head of immunisation at Public Health England.



“The fever shows the baby's body is responding to the vaccine, although the level of fever depends on the individual child and does not indicate how well the vaccine has worked - some infants may not develop a fever at all. We know that fever in young infants may cause some parents concern, but it's important to be aware that it will be short-lived in nearly all cases,” she added.


The vaccination will not protect against all strains of the disease and parents are being urged to be on high-alert for the following symptoms:


  • Pale, blotchy skin
  • A red rash which does not fade when a glass is rolled over it
  • High fever with cold hands and feed
  • Refusing to feed
  • Drowsiness
  • Being 'floppy' or unresponsive
  • Grunting or breathing rapidly
  • An unusual, high-pitched or moaning cry
  • Bulging soft spot
  • Aversion to bright lights

