Now is usually the time of year when the colds and flus start to circulate, but there is a far more serious bug doing the rounds right now.
Vigilance has been urged following the revelation that Enterovirus D68 (EV-D68) has hit the UK.
The condition, for which there is no cure or vaccine, is particularly threatening to children and can lead to long-term nerve-damage and paralysis in extreme cases.
What makes the bug even more dangerous is the fact that it often presents just like the common cold, with symptoms including coughing, streaming eyes, fever and a runny nose.
The bug is spread through coughs and sneezes, and health experts say that children aged four to 12 are most at risk.
A risk assessment by Public Health England raised the alert, and the Mirror reports that four children in Scotland have been hospitalised with the condition.
Concern over a possible spread of EV-D68 comes two years after an outbreak in the US and Canada, which left some children paralysed.
Parents are now being urged to watch out for cold- or flu-like symptoms in their children, and to monitor them. If their symptoms appear to worsen, or include difficulty with breathing, you are advised to seek medical assistance.