Very few people make it out of their teenage years without getting a few breakouts.

And while the vast majority of us became accustomed to concealing a blemish or two, countless teenagers were forced to deal with full-blown acne at the onset of puberty.


Thankfully, however, it sounds like there may be one serious advantage to enduring years of bad skin as scientists recently discovered.

According to a study published in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology, the cells of individuals who suffer from acne have built-in protection against ageing.


Using 1,200 twins as part of their research -  a quarter of which had acne - scientists discovered that those with acne had protective caps at the end of their chromosomes.

These 'caps' indicate strong elasticity and mean that oily skin is less likely to thin and develop wrinkles as the individual matures.

That's right, ladies. You may have been the only one with acne in your group but you'll still be getting carded well into your sixties.



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