Social media has an amazing power to connect people from all over the world. And often, with an open platform to share our experiences. comes understanding, compassion and acceptance.


Nowhere was this made more apparent than recently on Twitter, where the hashtag #mydepressionlookslike allowed people everywhere to explain what their depression meant to them.


The hashtag took off, serving to show – valuably – that depression is different for everyone AND, crucially, that we can’t necessarily see when someone is suffering.


















By sharing their experiences, those with depression are quashing the misconceptions and stereotypes of depression that sadly still exist, while putting out the message that those suffering SHOULD be able to talk about how they feel. We applaud them for it, and hope it will help bring about much needed understanding and compassion. 


If you are suffering from depression, please know it's an illness, and you are perfectly entitled to seek help for how you feel. You're not a burden, you don't have a responsibility to bury your feelings and you CAN be helped. Trite as that may sound, we hope it helps.


If you are feeling depressed, see your doctor, call the Samaritans, talk.


Please SHARE to spread awareness of this important hashtag. 


